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Kindergarten Information Night: March 5th

Wednesday, March 5th, from 6:30-7:30 pm. It will be an in-person event. Caregivers should attend the information session at their respective neighborhood schools. Lowell will host in the Learning Commons. All are welcome to attend.

CultureFest 2025: March 27, 2025

More information is available in the CultureFest 2025 Smore.

Parent 5Essentials Survey 2/4-3/7 2025

The Parent/Caregiver Survey will be open from February 4th – March 7th, 2025. To take the survey please visit

About Our School


Principal: Stacy Phelan

Assistant Principal: Tara Rufo

Administrative Assistant: Kara Flynn

Nurse: Kristen Thibodeau

J.R. Lowell Elementary School
123 Lowell Ave.
Watertown, MA 02472

Phone: 1.617.926.7770

Fax: 1.617.926.2676

Hours: 8:15 am- 2:30 pm

Absence Reporting Form

Library Catalogs

School Garden Volunteer







Lowell Elementary School (@jrlowellschoolma) • Instagram photos and videos

The Lowell School serves approximately 420 students in grades preK through grade 5. We are proud to serve a diverse population that represents cultures from all over the world. Our children come from homes that speak 28 different native languages.

The school has four or five grade-level classes in K-2, and three or four grade-level classrooms in grades 3-5.  In addition to the classroom teachers, we have specialists in art, music, physical education, library/media, Spanish, EL, reading, math, and special education staff based on the number of students needing services. The school has five co-taught classrooms for students receiving inclusion support. Lowell has a strong student support team comprised of a guidance counselor, a school psychologist, a team special education chairperson, a behavior specialist, a speech and language pathologist, an occupational therapist, and a physical therapist. The school offers extended day care for all students before and after school. The school has on-site cafeteria services for breakfast and lunch.

 Lowell Mission 

The Lowell School, with the active involvement of its families and neighbors, seeks to provide a supportive learning environment, that fosters academic excellence, encourages individual and collaborative endeavors, and promotes social responsibility and respect for diversity. We seek to support students in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will serve them well in their lifetime. This requires all the abilities to effectively engage and contribute to society as they know it, and the imagination and sense of activism to change it for the better.


Resolution on Affirmation of Support for Staff, Students, and Community Members of Color

Whereas, People of Color face greater discrimination, structural discipline, lack of social support both in schools and in society at large;

Whereas, children, adolescents and adults in the Black community face higher rates of social and structural violence and racial discrimination,

Whereas, students’ and staff’s well-being is a fundamental concern of the Watertown School Committee and school boards across the country.

Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Watertown School Committee affirms its immediate support to promote the needs and safety of all staff and students who identify as a person of color,

And Be It Resolved that the School Committee of Watertown, Massachusetts urges state and federal policymakers to support laws and regulations that:

  • Provide appropriate and necessary safety measures for People of Color during a period of unrest in this nation, and guarantee the rights and safety of all those protesting for their lives.


  • Hold accountable all public officials, police officers, and all those who serve their community for their responsibility to equitably represent and protect the public, and also hold accountable any individuals and organizations that take racist actions or in any other way do harm to the Black Community and People of Color.


  • Enhance programming to provide schools with the structure and guidance needed to provide an anti-racist curricula and professional development for all staff to build understanding and awareness of the beautiful history and the challenges of being a person of color, and of the structural and endemic racism in the United States.

The School Committee gives its support to responsible civic actions by students, educators and others who are raising the visibility of this issue and seeking changes in public policy.